Late Summer Corn

A field of corn on the east side of my home blocks my view.  The world is on the other side; out of sight and out of mind. Voices and sounds of cars and trucks are muffled. The unusual quietness surrounding the farm makes me feel safe, secure, and secluded.

This year, the corn crop struggled to get to this height…it was a wet season with frequent flooding, which left the corn yellow and pale and resembling a roller coaster frame spreading across the field.   The tall green stalks are starting to even out now; the tassels glow at dusk with a rusty hue as the breeze gently shakes loose the pollen.


Corn is mysterious and magical; the way it sprouts from the ground and grows overnight.  The sweet smell of the leaves and the ears, especially after a rain shower on a hot summer afternoon.  When I am gone from home for a few days, it is the first thing I notice when I step out of my car…. sweet smells of growth and greenery.

Watching the corn stalks mature is fascinating.   The tassels sprinkle the pollen onto the silk of the ears, each silky strand creating a kernel as the ears lengthen and swell; a process that makes a simple plant almost spiritual.   This part of the growing season is my favorite.  It gives way to the final maturing of the crop when the stalks turn brown, the kernels grow and harden, and the seclusion is lost.  As the gentle breeze stirs the crunchy leaves and creates new sounds of rustling and cracking, it creates a bit of uneasiness like someone sneaking up behind you.

About Life in the 50's and beyond...

Welcome to Life in the 50's and 60's and beyond .... where I write about my childhood memories, music of the 60's and about life in the country. I am a mother, grandmother, farmer's wife, business owner, and retired teacher.
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9 Responses to Late Summer Corn

  1. I remember reading your blog early on…and it seems you have awakened a wonderful ability to describe things…and events…how wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sue Sanders says:

    so beautifully written…may I have a copy for hubby’s scrapbook?


  3. I love corn.I do not love the memories of summer days spent detassling it in my neck of the woods.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. One of nature’s perfect wonders! Beautifully written.

    Liked by 1 person

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