Growing Up Country

A recent statistic floating around reads like this:  the average person is three generations removed from agriculture.  That may not surprise you, but I still live on a farm and can trace agriculture back for generations on my side of the family and on my husband’s.  So when I share stories on my blog about farming and my childhood on the farm, I am always surprised at how many people read and comment on  the things I take for granted.  I consider myself lucky to have been raised in the country, living what some would call a simple life.

Growing up on a farm  prepares you for life.  Not that other environments don’t, but like every niche in the world, a farming background is unique.   From an early age,  I was surrounded by hard physical work.  On farms that produce livestock, there is no day off.   Saturday and Sunday are much like the other five days of the week.   Get up early.   Feed and care for the livestock.  Milk the cows.  Clean out the pens.

Some would call that the downside.  Maybe, but we didn’t know there was any other way to live.  Were there upsides?   You bet.  I got to see both of my parents every day of the week.   We spent a lot of time together and got to know each other well.  My parents, like many parents, were both working most of the time, but we were all there together.

growing up on the farm

One of my favorite “togetherness” memories was riding to town in an old straight truck to pick up feed for the livestock and groceries for our family.   It was a family affair.  Mom would take in several dozen eggs and barter with the local grocer in exchange for the things we didn’t produce on the farm.  Dad would take my brother and I across the street to pick up burlap bags full of livestock feed.  If times were good and there was a bit of extra change in Dad’s pocket, we would get a fudgesicle or a bottle of soda from the refrigerator inside the feed mill office.   We learned not to ask Dad for it.  We knew it was not always an option.  We knew that if there was any way Dad could afford a small treat for us…. it would happen.    From there grew patience and understanding.  Oh, and the refrigerator and snacks?  It was on an honor system.  Take what you wanted and leave the correct change in a container.   From that we learned honesty and trust.

We were surrounded by the facts of life.   We experienced birth and death as children and no one thought to shield us from it.  They were life lessons, learned from first hand experience.  A  sow’s litter of pigs is born but not all of the piglets survive.   A baby lamb whose mother died giving birth was bottle fed but did not survive.  When I was 5 years old, I received a baby duckling as an  Easter surprise.  Ducker followed me everywhere.  He swam in my wading pool in the summer.   He sat by the wooden swing while I soared through the air.  Then one night, Ducker was gone.   A few feathers remained from an attack by a fox or raccoon.  I cried but I accepted.

Like many families in the 50’s and 60’s, we struggled economically.  But we always had a home and food on the table.  Our home wasn’t fancy and our furniture wasn’t new.  I didn’t always have a new Easter dress or the latest toy for Christmas.  But I had love and security.   I learned to make do.  I learned to respect others whether they had more or less than I did.  I learned not to judge others but  to accept them as they were.

Don’t get me wrong.  We were certainly not deprived.  I took music lessons and swimming lessons.   When transistor radios were the rage, I got one for Christmas just like everyone else.  But we understood where it came from.  We knew that it was not purchased on a whim, but after much careful planning and penny pinching.   My friends, who lived in town, learned some of the same lessons.

Can you learn these life lessons in any environment?  Of course.  I just feel especially lucky to have learned them they way I did.

About Life in the 50's and beyond...

Welcome to Life in the 50's and 60's and beyond .... where I write about my childhood memories, music of the 60's and about life in the country. I am a mother, grandmother, farmer's wife, business owner, and retired teacher.
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12 Responses to Growing Up Country

  1. just love to read your posts…similar bringing up…Never asked Dad for the treats as you said…but, knew if he could he would…lessons learned that have helped me all of my life…and we could go and on…


  2. Maxi says:

    Sounds as if you had a well-rounded childhood, lots o’ work and lots o’ love.
    blessings ~ maxi


  3. My grandparents were farmers and we now live on a small family farm. There is not a substitute for understanding good, hard, physical labor, where your food comes from, and how much things cost. It puts everything in perspective AND you get a great nights sleep.


  4. I didn’t grow up on a farm, but my father was self-employed and my mother was a ‘stay at home mom’, so we learned similar lessons about togetherness, sharing responsibility, trust, honesty, and appreciation for what you have. I find it unfortunate that so many families growing up today haven’t figured out that ‘doing without’ is far better than having every whim catered to (often by going into debt). We learned how to manage and how to be responsible and appreciative and that have served us well. Great post.


  5. Karen says:

    Ruth, such a warm entry on such a cold, cold day in January! I did not grow up on a farm but my dad was at one time a farmer and so there were similarities even though we lived in town. Our family of six worked the large vegetable garden, nurtured flowers gardens also. We made butter, bread, pies, and all of the girls (3) learned the art of sewing, stitching, cooking, and even piano playing! When there was only five of us, our big vacation and entertainment was to pile all five of us in our Nash along with a tent, blankets and food for three days and go to a lake or riverside and camp. We were very close and did most chores together just as you said. I love the era I grew up in. The memories warm me on these cold days. Thank you for your deeply warm writings!


  6. Great post! As a farmer’s daughter myself, I second your sentiments. We were together so much- I really missed that with my own family now. And certainly not deprived of music and other cultural events. Please email me about my next anthology.


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