Five Minute Friday: Friends


Friends are forever. Some of my best friends I have known for more than 50 years and some of my friends I have known for a few months.  Time doesn’t matter in a friendship; it’s the connection.   Most of the time, you know almost immediately if a person will be a good friend.  Sometimes it takes a bit longer to see if you will always talk, laugh, and trust like the first time you met.

Friends can be any age.  The friends you grew up with are special because you have so many shared experiences.  Older friends can bring wisdom and advice in times of need.  Younger friends give us a fresh perspective on life and help us remember how it was when we were that age.

Friends can be relatives.  Friends can be near or far.  True friendships can be broken but can also be repaired… the strength of the connection determines the outcome.

About Life in the 50's and beyond...

Welcome to Life in the 50's and 60's and beyond .... where I write about my childhood memories, music of the 60's and about life in the country. I am a mother, grandmother, farmer's wife, business owner, and retired teacher.
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15 Responses to Five Minute Friday: Friends

  1. Sherry says:

    Yes we do need our sisters don’t we! I enjoyed visiting you. Thank you for coming by and visiting my Friend post. I was the margarita girl. LOL. Come by again. Oh I posted a cookbook review today you might enjoy it.
    Have a beautiful week,


  2. Kathy says:

    A wonderful tribute to friendship! Thank you for the reminder to appreciate our friends.


  3. diannegray says:

    What a beautiful post! A timely reminder for me to connect with some friends 😀


  4. Pingback: `Five Minute Friday’: Friend | O2B heavenly minded

  5. Pingback: Five Minute Friday: Friends | Writing Canvas

  6. poppytump says:

    What a really nice genuine post Ruth . Yes I believe a lot in a ‘connection’ which sometimes just defies any sort of explanation . You just know 🙂


  7. kaseyparr99 says:

    Friendships for over fifty years what a great blessing. Thanks for sharing your beautiful words. Count blessings, Kasey


  8. You said a lot of truths on Friendship in such a short time…
    I bet you have lots of friends…to have such insight…good for you!


  9. Bethany says:

    Hello, I’m your neighbor at Five Minute Friday! I loved being reminded of the wonder that we can be friends with anyone, regardless of age or life circumstances. Some of my dearest friends have been much older than me, and we have all gained from what the other brings in perspective! Thanks for sharing this.


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