Daily Prompt: The Clock

I had never been this nervous in my entire life.  Never.  Does every bride have the jitters on her wedding day?  I was usually as calm as a cucumber.  Not today.

My mom and I were in the Sunday School room at the church making final adjustments to my dress, my shoes, my makeup.  The photographer was creeping around taking a few impromptu shots of us.   He was beginning to annoy me.

One of the reasons for my nerves being on edge was my future husband’s sense of time.   He had been late for our first date and had been late ever since.  I really didn’t need that pressure to worry about today and we had discussed it.  A few minutes ago, though, I heard a car door slam and worriedly looked at my wristwatch.  I peeked out the window just in time to see him arrive with his mom and dad and …. he was an hour early!

“Remind me to thank his mother,”  I thought to myself.  I was pretty sure it was her doing.

Mom and I continued to do all those last little things that needed to be done.  My Dad sneaked in and sat in the corner looking totally nervous and ridiculous at the same time.  We were in the primary Sunday School room and there was my long-legged Dad all dressed up in his Sunday best, all scrunched up in a tiny preschool chair.  He was actually wringing his hands.

I was still waiting for my matron of honor to arrive.  My best friend from grade school, my college roommate, my partner in a few high school crimes… all rolled into one young woman.  She was my only attendant…. none of those weddings with 6 bridemaids for me.   All you needed was one.   And she wasn’t there yet.  Again I looked at my watch.  It was already 2:15.  I was supposed to walk down the aisle at 2:30.   The jitters were getting worse.  I was a little angry and a little worried.  I had never had to worry about my best friend.  She was supposed to have been here at 1:30 but had called me this morning and said she and her new husband would be attending a festival and parade in her husband’s home town just a few miles away.  She assured me she would be there by 2:00.

The florist had come in looking for her.  They had prepared a headband of fresh flowers for her to wear in her hair.  All of the corsages for the parents, best man, and ushers  had been pinned and straightened.  All that was left was the headband and our 2 bouquets.   I began to pace and wonder what I would do if she didn’t show up.  My mother was in worse shape at that point than I was…. she was the nervous Nelly of the family.  We decided if the worst thing happened and the matron of honor didn’t show up, Mom would step in and take over.

The door burst open.   My matron of honor had arrived.  She looked a bit frazzled  and said, “Sorry, I ran out of gas.”   The headband was place on her head, she grabbed the bouquet.   My Mom was escorted down the aisle to her seat.  My one-and-only bridesmaid headed toward the sanctuary and Dad and I followed.

I am not sure why I don't look nervous!

I am not sure why I don’t look nervous!

wedding party


About Life in the 50's and beyond...

Welcome to Life in the 50's and 60's and beyond .... where I write about my childhood memories, music of the 60's and about life in the country. I am a mother, grandmother, farmer's wife, business owner, and retired teacher.
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28 Responses to Daily Prompt: The Clock

  1. Ruth says:

    Enjoyed seeing this post with your photographs. Nice!


  2. Like Margo, we had a thunderstorm (June) During the recessional, the organist threw up her hands as the lightening hit and the power went out. The sun came out for the outdoor reception.


  3. Pingback: The Rest of the Story…. | retiredruth - Life in the 50's and beyond

  4. Maxi says:

    You looked wonderful. Now your dad, he looked kinda nervous.
    Blessings ~ Maxi


  5. Laurie Buchwald says:

    Oh my goodness, imagine your poor Matron of Honor? Running out of gas on such a huge day! Every wonderful wedding has to have a story!!


  6. souldipper says:

    Surely a perfectly smooth wedding ceremony is a boring wedding day! 😀 Just think, all the current new brides will have complete (cell phone) control…none of these hitches to test her mettle. How sad for them…


  7. Great wedding story…and love the photos…”My time”…I can tell…Weren’t we young…no wonder our Dad’s were a little apprehensive looking…


  8. I was super nervous and do not remember a lot about the day — but it must have taken as this is year 31 — loved the pics and story


  9. marymtf says:

    What a lovely bride you were, Rulth. Please do a sequal.
    Our wedding went off just fine but our photographer must have been a fan of Charlie Chaplin. The film was black and white and instead of sound there were little plackards announcing the arrival, the speech, the bride in her going away outfit. Even 43 years down the track I want to wring that man’s neck.


  10. Caddo Veil says:

    Ewwww, this brought back “the memory”. Thanks for sharing photos, too, Ruth–your dad looks less than happy–was he just nervous?


  11. I loved reading about your wedding day. Your pictures are wonderful; you are beautiful, and your husband so handsome. -sigh- Yes, I think a part two would be nice. 🙂


  12. Pingback: Time | Misifusa's Blog

  13. Pingback: Dead lines | polysyllabic profundities

  14. Lovely! I have married twice and never had a traditional wedding, so reading others’ stories is like a glimpse into another world for me. Well told!


  15. Pingback: Daily Prompt ; The Clock | terry1954

  16. What fun to read about your wedding. My first one went similarly (my now-ex showed up only minutes before the ceremony; his grandparents and aunt/uncle arrived in a tow truck because there was an ice storm north of us and their car slid off the highway; the inexpensive candles we’d bought dripped all over the plastic mat at the front of the church; the bakery decorated the cake with yellow instead of red roses; and my mother forgot the cake ‘topper’ at home); still we got through it. I was firmly ‘in charge’ of my second wedding – a small affair in my backyard that I planned single-handedly (I wanted no ‘screw ups’ or other interference). Everything was organized and ready to go – until the lights went out all along the eastern seaboard and up into southern Ontario (August 14, 2003; we were getting married two days later). Plan B was to go ahead and simply serve warm beer and cheese with Goldfish crackers. Fortunately, the lights (and air conditioning) came back on 24 hours before the minister (and everyone else) arrived and everything went off without a hitch (and, yes, I was nervous both times).


    • That’s hilarious, well after the fact anyway! Maybe The Daily Prompt should ask for Wedding horror stories… I am sure there are many! I probably need to do a part 2 on this one as well…. thanks for sharing your story! I think you should turn it into a blogpost….


      • I think I will – probably in August (in honour of our 10th anniversary). Oh, and I forgot to mention the HORRENDOUS thunderstorm that rolled through the area at 10:00 a.m. on our wedding day – right after we’d put out the chairs and decorated the yard!


  17. a gripping life says:

    These pictures are great!! You were a beautiful bride. Everyone except you and your bride’s maid look sort of serious – even your dad coming down the aisle. I guess it’s just a scary time for everyone. You don’t want to trip up and make a mistake so you get serious. I loved this little trip down memory lane. Are you still in touch with your friend?


  18. Chris says:

    I remember that day!! Didn’t know that Pat was there just as the bell rang!!


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